Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I made a butterfly puzzle.
It has 6 parts. If your butterfly does not have all of these parts (Right wing, Left wing, Body, Proboscis, Blue pieces, and Yellow pieces) Then you did not get a complete butterfly kit.
Please note that the cutouts from the brown wings are not needed and may be missing (as shown) but all of the yellow and blue pieces are needed.

The first step is to punch out the inner brown shapes on the wing and replace them with the yellow and blue shapes. Peaces should snap in with relative ease, if they don't they may go in a different spot. If any pieces are loose use some tape on the back of the wing.

With all the pieces securely inserted into the wing it is time to insert the wings into the body as shown below.

Then, simply insert the proboscis/eye piece as shown below.
Now you are done Enjoy!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Erin's wedding

Here is a quick post of a few photos from my friend Erin's wedding. Click the photos to see bigger and check back soon for more.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Crap that scared the shit out of me as a child.

In decreasing order of scary ass shit.
Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory

I had completely blocked out all memory of Rock-a-Doodle until I saw it in the new to netflix section.
First of all Memphis is a hell-hole, my grandparents on my dad's side lived there and the only good thing I remember about it is that they had a neighbor with trains. He has Alzheimers now. I really am not too saddened by the floods and devastation there. I really hated that place. Anyways this may be part of why I was scared shitless, I believe I watched at my grandparents house.

To finish later I lost interest.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Monday, April 11, 2011

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Moar pictures

More photos, these are of my almond tree.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Not much is out at this point, but for those who have had a long, cold, and snowy winter I figured I would put these up.

Click for a larger size

Moar from 2/28

From 3/1
I like this one better even though there are some blemishes on it.

Web Psychics

How come there aren't any psychics with easily verifiable results? :P

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I saw a bit of Obama's press conference today, one of the questions asked was how the situation in Egypt would effect gas prices.

"Lies, damned lies, and statistics"

      The saying goes something like "87% of statistics are made up on the spot," but I wonder if we would be better off if that was true? Take this statistic for example,
[In "toxic body burden" research preformed in 2003, medical scientists at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine found an average of fifty or more toxic chemicals in the bloodstream and urine samples of nine volunteers, most of whom led normal or even environmentally conscious lives.]*
Ironically, this book warns us of the dangers all the corporations relentlessly pushing their deceitful messages on us to make us buy their bullshit.

Still, let me avoid digression and get back to my main point. This statistic is 100% useless, why?

1 Sample size: 9 people.
      This leaves me speechless. I, I mean, How, or gahhh...
2 Control group: None.
      The paragraph goes on to blame manufacturers polluting on these toxins, but without a control group that isn't affected by the pollution, these readings are useless. At the very least some sort of context is needed. What are you defining as poisons? At what levels were these poisons? For all I know you are registering .0001 ppm of caffeine as a toxin.
3 Spread: lol
      To get anything meaningful you need a good distribution of samples. Nine volunteers at a college is a joke, and a very poor one at that.
4 Clearly incompetent : Yes
      But the absurdity doesn't stop there, if we look at how poorly they did this "study" I wouldn't be surprised if they contaminated their samples, had faulty equipment, or just made stuff up.

      Not all statistics are this obviously flawed though, and many studies are on complex things that most of us wouldn't know the correct methodologies for testing. There are some things we can do to find out if these are faulty statistics, but often sources are not cited, and even when they are it can be a lot of work to look them up and evaluate them.

*(Affluenza the all consuming epidemic, second edition. page 103)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Thoughts on deception.

I am taking a class talking about well, how a lot of the stuff we see and are told isn't exactly true. It is also about thinking for yourself, in any case it is all very ironic. We are reading a book with statistics so crappy they make me want to puke. As a result I started thinking about other deceptions and I figured I would point them out. In the coming posts I will try to cover these topics. After I finish I may try to clean stuff up in a book like format if I fell it is worth it, but I doubt I will.

Lies, damned lies, and statistics
Analogies, generalizations, and exaggerations
Slight of hand

And also, of our own self-deception.

Idols and demons

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Is it weird that terminals make me feel nostalgic,

even though for most of my life I didn't even know what a terminal was?
I installed my new SSD, and I was relocating my documents folders. It is as easy as clicking a few buttons. It just seems wrong! At the very least I should have to edit my registry files. Am I turning into that crazy guy at the end of 60 minuets?!?!?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Still alive

Not much to say. I plan or trying to post on my blog more often this year than I did last year. Who knows, I may even say something of value!

Oh, my sister got married to an awesome guy, although he is a mac user... Check out to see more.